Friday, June 13, 2008

Bonus Post II - Won't you be my friend?

For those of you who use Netflix I'm inviting you to be my friend.

If you don't laugh at my choices, I won't judge you on yours!!


Misty said...

Yes, I have accepted you, and just so you know- i NEVER judge someone based on their movie choices...

patresa hartman said...

thank you for checking on me! that was so nice. my red chair and i are fine fine fine. our neighborhood is elevated enough that we don't have to worry about anything other than leaky basements. no sweat. and no evacuations.

Anonymous said...

I have accepted you as well. I tend to be an accepting person.

Unless you eat a banana in front of me, and then it's all over. I find the sound of people eating bananas to be very unacceptable.