I came across this notecard from 12th grade chemistry
When I was taking the class I barely understood it and now it is complete gibberish.
What I do remember is this:
Fe = Iron
How I remember this is that a farrier (which starts with an F) is another name for a blacksmith and he puts IRON shoes on horses
Pb = Lead
How I remember this is from the book "The Mouse and The Motorcycle"by Beverly Cleary . The way Ralph S. Mouse gets his motorcycle to move is by making the sound "Pb-pb-b-b-b. Pb-pb-b-b-b." Motorcycle=getting the lead out.
Mo = Molybdenum
One of my best good friends in high school had the name Molly. Molly = Moly(bnenum)
Sn = Tin
I remember this one because in order to cut tin you need tin sn(ips)
And that is pretty much all I remember of chemistry.
Although in my job I do on occasion have need for Potassium = K, Magnesium = Mg, Calcium = Ca, Titanium = Ti
Which ones do you remember and how?
Helium. Cuz it makes you go he he he when you suck it out of a balloon ab=nd then talk with that funny voice.
ab=nd should, of course, be "and".
Damn 1 handed typing.
Hg - Mercury.
Hospital Garbage is broken thermomenters - mercury thermometers.
misspelled 'thermometer'.
Also, Au- Gold. from Goldfinger's name, Auric.
My hed hurts.
Of course, I meant 'head' hurts. I just wanted to comment twice like everyone else...
I'll be a rebel and only comment once!
Fe (Iron) -- Fe is for Female. Females get their periods and need to take lots of IRON.
Sn (Tin) -- Sn is short for SNL, which is short for Saturday Night Live. Tin stands for the Tin Woodman. Both are in show biz.
Yes, they're dorky, but they worked for me!
Ugh I was very bad at Chemistry. But I remember these ones:
K= potassium because Special K cereal has potassium in it.
AU= Gold - this one is from a Facts of Life Episode. Natalie says that AU= Gold because if someone stole your gold bracelet you would yell "A! YOU!" while you ran after them.
AG= Silver - In my head I say it "Aggie" as in,"I inherited all of Great Aunt Aggie's silver"
Hospital Garbage really cracked me up! :)
Let the nerdy-ness begin.
H = Hydrogen
He = Helium
Li = Lithium
Be = Beryllium
B = Boron
C = Carbon
N = Nitrogen
O = Oxygen
F = Flourine
Ne = Neon
Na = Sodium
Mg = Magnesium
Al = Aluminum
Si = Silicon
P = Phosphorous
I'd go on, but I'm starting to embarrass myself. The sad thing is this is all I have to show for completing a pre-medical program.
I remember Sanna lent me some of her notecards, with the extra notations on them regarding expamles and antedotes that Mr. Stull used in class... being the low key, contained individual i am, i kept either shouting them out or whispring them just under my breath until Mr. Stull actually lost his temper and made me teach the class the next day...
Thats all i remember about chem notecards...
It's really hard to argue when kids complain about having to take chemistry and say,"This is dumb. I'll never use this stuff." 99% of the time, that's true.
Although, I do use algebra quite often around the house. And Spanish.
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