Thursday, November 05, 2009

Dancing With Deer

On the way home this evening, I drove through a herd of deer in the middle of the road. There must have been at least eight of them.

They couldn't make up their minds if they wanted to go left or right or stand in the middle. I honked my horn and they oh so daintily tip-toed off the road.

In NJ deer are a pestilence and a burden. They'll eat the plants right off your back deck if your not careful. Some people feed them corn, but I don't recommend that. They'll keep coming back time and again.

I'd rather have deer than bear or coyote though.


ojamam said...

Good job you drove safely through them. They're hell on a paint job.

Jen said...

Here in Utah we have a ton of deer come down from the mountains into the valleys searching for food as well. They're so pretty when they're not eating your plants!!! I was driving over to mymom's house yesterday and right when I entered her gated subdivision I was greeted by a massive deer just staring straight at me from the side of the road. At first I thought someone had started decorating early for Christmas until I realized he was real... scared the crap right out of me. I was waiting for him to run in fromnt of my car but I guess he decided he didn't want to get hit that day... smart guy... I think I would have won.